Media Protection Contact p2pads

Internet Traffic

Looking to drive traffic to your site?

P2p ads delivers web site pop ups via file sharing networks. We embed media files with your pop up ads and copy them to our p2pads server farm using keyword targeted file names, Exposing your advertisement to the internet

How p2pads works.

Using one of the popular media sharing applications , a user enters a search closely related to your media file, P2pads intercepts this query and delivers your media file in the top results . The file is downloaded and viewed locally by the user exposing them to one or more pop up ads .
One of the key features of p2pads is that after the end of your 40 day campaign the media files are still being circulated through the file sharing networks by the users that have downloaded your file . all rights reserved .
No Part of this web site may be copied without permission .
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